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“It Was a Great Experience”: A Testimonial from a Commercial Property Seller

Deciding to sell the family business was a big, emotional decision. When it was time to put the property on the market, New Brighton print shop owner Dana Trainor interviewed several commercial real estate brokers. Only Premier Commercial Property’s Marty Fisher had the experience and demeanor that made him the right professional for the job. 

Selling the Family-Owned Print Shop

Ms. Trainor had owned the family’s print shop since 1986. Her family had built the business from the ground up and operated it out of New Brighton for more than 30 years. In spring 2020, it was time for Ms. Trainor to sell the property and move on to the next adventure in her life.

Since she’d never sold a commercial property before, Ms. Trainor asked her neighbor for a recommendation to a realtor. Her neighbor referred her to Marty Fisher, who agreed to meet Ms. Trainor in person so she could be confident in her decision to work with him. From that first meeting it was obvious that Marty knew his business and shared her approach to doing business. He also made her feel at ease. Marty was hired!

Marty took the time to explain how the commercial sale process worked, including Ms. Trainor’s options to sell or lease, the cycles of the commercial real estate market, and the differences between the commercial and residential real estate sales process. In May 2020, the property went on the market.

“It was a great experience.”

The sale of Ms. Trainor’s print shop took a year from start to finish. She and Marty received several offers. Marty was very helpful during the negotiation process, helping Ms. Trainor understand whether or not the offers were fair and advising her on when to accept or decline an offer. Once they accepted the buyer’s offer, Marty explained the steps to close the sale, including an extensive environmental review and advice for moving the printing equipment out. After some back and forth with the buyer about their loan, Marty was firm but fair, giving the buyer a hard deadline. The boundary helped make sure the deal closed on time.

“It was a great experience working with Marty,” Ms. Trainor shared. “You can expect complete honesty from him—honesty about what to expect, and honesty in his communication with you.”

Working with Marty is easy and effective. Email or call him at (612) 708-2873.

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